Your wallet and your life, bursting at the seams.
Tools and articles to help you balance living in the present and saving for the future.
As Featured In
Coast FIRE Calculator
How much do you need to save to Coast to FIRE?
Fat FIRE Calculator
Plan your journey to FIRE with a fat nest egg
Coast FIRE Jobs Database
A crowdsourced database of potential Coast FIRE jobs
Windfall Impact on FIRE Timeline Calculator
Calculate how much a windfall impacts your FIRE timeline
FIRE Calculator
Plan your journey to Financial Independence / Retire Early
Barista FIRE Calculator
Unlock financial freedom earlier with side income after quitting your day job
Purchase Impact on FIRE Timeline Calculator
Calculate how much a one-time purchase impacts your FIRE timeline
Take your wealth planning to the next level with my Wealth Planning Toolkit for Google Sheets – just $20.
Plan for recurring monthly income over different time periods as well as windfalls and one-time purchases in the future.
Includes 10 year Net Worth Tracker with Dashboard, Asset Rebalancing Calculator, and advanced FIRE and Coast FIRE Calculators.

House Hacking Calculator
Accelerate your path to financial freedom by being a live-in landlord
Portfolio Rebalancing Calculator
Calculate how to rebalance your current portfolio to achieve your target asset allocations
Loan Payment Calculator
Calculate your loan payments over time and visualize your amortization schedule
Cash-on-Cash Return Calculator
Calculate cash-on-cash return for your next real estate investment
Compound Interest Calculator
Visualize the incredible power of compound growth
15 Year vs 30 Year Morgage Calculator
Compare your monthly payments and total cost between a 15 year and a 30 year mortgage
Rental Property Calculator for Real Estate Investing
Analyze key financial metrics for your next real estate deal
Cap Rate Calculator
Calculate the cap (capitalization) rate for a real estate investment
Savings Rate Calculator
Calculate your personal Savings Rate (Ratio)
Hybrid vs Gas Savings Calculator
Calculate how to rebalance your current portfolio to achieve your target asset allocations
Gas Mileage Savings Calculator
Compare annual fuel costs between two vehicles and calculate the break-even point
Upwork Fee Calculator and Guide
Calculate your take home earnings as a freelancer on Upwork
Alcohol Savings Calculator
How much is your drinking habit really costing you?
Emergency Fund Calculator
How much cash should you have saved up in case of an emergency?
Electric Car Savings Calculator
Discover how much you can save by switching to an electric vehicle
Keeping up with Inflation Calculator
Calculate how much of a salary raise you need to keep up with inflation
Health Savings Account (HSA) Growth Calculator
Project how much your HSA could grow over time
Tesla Savings Calculator
Discover how much you can save by switching to a Tesla electric vehicle (EV)
- Book Notes (1)
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- Coast FIRE (3)
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- Year in review (4)
How I lived on $39,000 per year in 2023 as a 28 year old engineer in the SF bay area
A breakdown of my income and expenses over 2023 while living in Mountain View, CA
2023 Year in review
Updates and highlights from my life in 2023 and my goals for 2024
2022 year in review
My reflection on 2022 including the good, the bad, and my goals for 2023
Free 2023 Monthly Personal Budget Template for Google Sheets Download
Get a free copy of my ultimate monthly personal budget template for Google Sheets – the only tool you need to manage your monthly budget.
How to use I-Bonds for your emergency fund with the I-Bond ladder strategy
Here’s how to implement an I-Bond ladder strategy for your emergency fund which allows you to keep your emergency fund accessible while also earning the high interest I-Bonds provide
Should you max out your 401k? Here’s why I’m not maxing out my 401k
How I ran the numbers to determine that I shouldn’t max out my 401k going forward
How to make your early retirement plan inflation-proof
Tips on positioning both your investments and your expenses like housing, healthcare, and education to maintain your standard of living in a future with high inflation
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel – book review, summary, and quotes
My review of the The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel including summary, notes, and my favorite quotes.
2021 Year in review
My reflection on 2021 including the good, the bad, and my goals for 2022
Being frugal vs cheap – what’s the difference?
Both approaches are focused on saving money, but the similarities end there.
The Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) Passive Income Grid
Visualize the incredible value of passive income and how various Safe Withdrawal Rates impact your required investments to reach FIRE
10 Best Jobs for Coasting to FIRE
Flexible hours, low stress, fun, and travel friendly. I picked out 10 of the best jobs that allow you to make the most of your life after reaching your Coast FIRE milestone.
How I spend $30k per year in the SF bay area with a 65%+ savings rate
A breakdown of my current income and expenses while enjoying life in a VHCOL location
What is Barista FIRE? The complete guide to unlocking early financial freedom
How Barista FIRE uses the power of side income after retirement to help you escape the rat race much sooner
How I graduated college with no student loans and over $40k of savings (in 10 steps)
10 steps I took to lay the foundation for a lifetime of financial freedom
2020 year in review
My reflection on 2020 including the good, the bad, my learnings from the past year, and my goals for 2021
How I bought a new M1 MacBook Air for under $700 (before tax)
Here’s how I stacked discounts to buy Apple’s M1 Macbook Air for under $700.
Mint Mobile Review: my 4 years on America’s best value prepaid plan
How I’ve saved nearly $2,000 since switching to Mint in 2016
How NOT having the newest iPhone would have earned you $9,000+ over the last 10 years
What would happen if you only upgraded your iPhone every three years and instead bought Apple stock in the years between?
5 Financial mistakes I’ve made and what you can learn from them
Here are 5 finance-related mistakes I’ve made on my journey and the takeaways you can learn from each of them
Do Things That Positively Compound
Compounding growth as a heuristic for focusing your time and energy
The Coast FIRE Grid: how much do you need to save up to coast to retirement?
Determine at-a-glance your Coast FIRE number based on your age and expected spending
What is Coast FIRE: The Complete Guide to Coasting to Financial Independence
Leverage the power of compound growth to unlock freedom early in life, before hitting your normal FI number
My Story
My journey to financial independence
About Me 🙋♂️
Hey there, welcome to WalletBurst!
I’m Andrew, a 28 year old guy living in the SF bay area. I write about gaining lifestyle freedom through smart personal finance. Here I share tools and insights to help you accelerate your path to financial independence.