Monthly Newsletter: May 2023

👋 Hey there, hope your week is getting off to a good start! Welcome to the WalletBurst monthly newsletter for the month of May 2023.

Market Update

As of June 4, 2023

🕰 The Problem with the 4% Rule (and Why You Could Retire Even Sooner) by Mad Fientist

  • The 4% rule doesn’t account for the flexibility of early retirees.
  • It also doesn’t take into account fixed costs, but rather assumes that inflation impacts all of your expenses.
  • Once you quit your job, reducing your discretionary spending during stock market downturns allows you to use a higher safe withdrawal rate without reducing your portfolio’s probability of long-term success. 

🎧 How to Money Podcast: Life After Financial Independence w/ The Mad Fientist

  • Casual conversation with Brandon Ganch from the popular Mad Fientist blog about his life after FIRE, including:
    • How his views on spending have changed after many years of being hyper-frugal.
    • How he thinks about building his ideal life now that he and his wife recently had a son
  • My favorite excerpt: “It wasn’t until after quitting my job that I realized that my job wasn’t stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do.”

🎧 Earn & Invest Podcast: Is FIRE Lifestyle design? with Jess and Corey of the Fioneers and Anders Skagerberg from the

  • The guests discuss their thoughts on traditional FIRE versus Slow FI / Coast FI, including:
    • How you can use Slow FI and Coast FI to design your lifestyle to get many of the benefits of full FIRE without the downsides.
    • Upsides and risks of Coast FIRE compared to traditional FIRE
  • Excerpt: “If you’re someone who is driven enough to reach FIRE at a young age, then you are likely to still want to be productive in some capacity even after quitting your job.”

Side hustle idea: renting wedding arches by @Codie_Sanchez.

🏠 Home price data for America’s 30 largest housing markets through April ’23 by Lance Lambert.

Home price data for America’s 30 largest housing markets through April ’23

New on

Nothing new this month…

End Note

Thanks for reading! If you’re enjoying my newsletter, I’d love it if you shared it with a friend or two. You can send them here to sign up.

And if you have any feedback on my site or come across any interesting personal finance content, send it my way to I love to hear from my readers/users!

Have a great day,

Andrew ✌️
